Our pharmacy Billing Software is Integrated with all the necessary features to efficiently maintain your Pharmacy Store

Dont Worry About your Expiry Loss..
Every Day Our pharmacy POS Reminds you in Advance

Run Your Pharmacy Business efficiently with our Comprehensive pharmacy Billing Software. Our POS have a full control over Stock, Purchase, Billing, Accounting, Suppliers, Customers and Dashboard. 1myPOS helps you grow your business.

1mypos software

With 1myPOS, the billing for your pharmacy have made easy, with just one tap you can bill all the medicines using its barcode.

1mypos software

1myPOS Software helps in mapping the current stocks in your pharmacy and make the best use of it before its expiry.

1mypos software

Get instant updates on the product with our unique filter options and compare your daily sales.

1mypos software

Keep track of your customers and remind them about their monthly purchase of medicines via SMS alerts.

1mypos software

Get instant records about your drug suppliers through 1myPOS where you can compare costs and manage their supply.

1mypos software

Easily analyse your pharmacy growth based on your daily records of sales, purchase and expenses.

Sell your products more efficiently using our right pharmacy Billing Software

You can even go mobile! It’s all up to you.

Pharmacy POS mobile app

Do you want to know what drugs are less in stock, customer wise sales/history reports, purchase rate discrepancy summary, safety alerts, schedule register and other such important reports? you can do all that using our 1myPOS mobile app.

1myPOS Pharmacy Software is Cloud based, so you can access your data anytime, anywhere.

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1mypos billing software

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